简介:《歌舞昇平》里有几个如果是肥皂剧剧情肯定会被安排连成一线的家庭,他们口中的悲惨命运是如此曖昧地有异曲同工之妙,令人在观看时会想那是谁的谁,那人跟那人又有什么关係。 其实唯一的关联是五个家庭同样领取「综援」,但每个故事却往不同方向发展。他们贫穷的理由或许不一样,处境也不一样,结果,却都发展成十分相似的生活状態,殊途同归的境地,几乎都是对贫穷的习惯和適应,影片里穿插著过年的片段,又和典型中国人过年有难以区分的相同与不同。 The film explores the hidden face of poverty in one of the world's most affluent and capitalistic cities. Directed by CHEUNG King Wai (KJ Music and Life), the film follows five Hong Kong families of different backgrounds that receive government subsidies. How do the poor get by in a glossy city that flaunts conspicuous consumption and hides poverty in cavernous public housing estates All's Right With The World shares the different stories of these low-income families, their daily living conditions, and their ways of celebrating Chinese New Year. 获奖情况: 2008年 入围第32届香港国际电影节竞赛单元 2008年 入围韩国首尔独立电影电视节 2008年 入围第20届飞帕电影节